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DAndrea Bolden

Prophetic Activations: Things We Should Consider

Updated: Nov 26, 2024

Prophetic activations are something that I have become accustomed with over the years. I have participated in prophetic activations and I have also used them when training others in prophetic ministry. Training people in the prophetic is very effective when done correctly including the use of prophetic activations. But over the years I have become a little more cautious as it relates to prophetic activations.

The prophetic is powerful when it is pure and truly from God and I am a firm believer that everyone can and should prophesy (reference: 1 Corinthians 14:31). Sadly, many have a greater desire to prophesy than to have a relationship with God. Below are a few things to consider as it relates to prophetic activations.

1. Who are we activating?: Prophetic activations that are open to the public means that anyone can have access to it. There needs to be more accountability in place to ensure we are not activating people that are witches, unsaved, or that are not filled with the Holy Spirit. It is becoming dangerous to allow any and everybody to be trained in the prophetic with no clue about the individual.

Teachings on prophets, prophesy, dreams, and dream interpretation will always draw people operating in the occult. They crave the supernatural and are always looking for new ways to master their "craft'. So we need to be mindful that public prophetic trainings will draw a variety of people.

2. Do they know Jesus?: Many want to use activations and impartation as a replacement for intimacy and a true relationship with God. Although activations assist people to grow in the prophetic many are wanting to grow in the prophetic while being disconnected from God. I am a firm believer that if you get close to God you will hear His voice. Prophetic training should be like a catalyst but your intimate relationship with God should be igniting you and putting you in a place to hear the voice of the Lord.

3. Are they a disciple? Many people will run to events that will teach them and train them in the prophetic while being completely disconnected from the church. Some have never been discipled and have no accountability to verify their spiritual maturity, character, core beliefs, integrity and so forth. It is important that people are discipled and being taught the Word before they are being trained and released in the prophetic. Too many choatic people want prophetic training without accountability.

4. Do they know the Word? We are in a day and age where people feel prophetic words are more important than scriptures even though God's written word is prophesy BUT people would have to read it to find that out. The church cannot afford to continuously raise up, confirm and release prophetic voices that are biblically illiterate. We must teach people to value the word of God but I will write about that more in another blog post.

Just a few things I feel we should consider if we are going to keep activating people in the prophetic. Ultimately we have to push people to a place of intimacy and closeness with Jesus Christ.

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